Friday, April 29, 2016

Indiana Primary

The idiot-savant of basketball endorses the idiot-savant of bombast:

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Opera buffissima

His usual perceptive self, Dana Milbank wrote Friday about why he supports Ted Cruz. Over Donald Trump:

All signs suggest Trump would be an electoral disaster for Republicans but I won’t join those who for that reason want him to be the Republican nominee. The important thing is not what’s best for Democrats but what’s best for the country – and that means not having a race-baiting demagogue as the nominee of a major party.

Cruz, on the other hand, is only ambitious, and a liar.It makes sense. Few of us are demagogues, but we’re all liars. 
     Sign me up.

Here’s the article, so you can see what Milbank really wrote.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Mainstream Media, LLC – H. R. Clinton, prop.

What you'll see in your paper today:

Headline: Sanders wins in Wisconsin.

Editorial page: What’s going on here? Once again there are more at the children’s table than at the adults’? (Jeez, it’s like the sixties.)