Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Headline: Hate groups embrace Trump

Just in time for Christmas: melchior ball's Donald J. Trump Finger Puppet: Just $2.49. Call BR-549, or visit your local Wall-Mark.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Our prayers

Here in the Valley of Virginia, apparently, we’re praying to Jesus for the reincarnation of Lee and Jackson that their sabers may slit the throats of anyone within a thousand miles that can write Arabic - they must be Mussulmen.

Monday, December 7, 2015

M is for mansplaining

balzac balloon, green
also available in red & yellow
mansplaining lman-splā-nĭNG
     terminus derogatorius
     1. any argument I  – or Balzac or Shakespeare or any of them other high-falutin’ Greeks – might make that might be exceptionable to the womansplainer using the term.

The above definition; note especially its patronizing use of “womansplainer.”

Thursday, December 3, 2015

14 more

"What the ef?" - Quote of the Day

Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the United States, speaking at the White House earlier today: "Whatever the results of this investigation [into the San Bernardino shootings] . . . one thing is clear: Violence like this has no place in this country." One other thing is clear, she was not referring to gun violence, because violence like that has here a place like it has nowhere else.